"Conversamos en ingles"
dom., 27 de nov.
We speak Spanish and want to help others learn English .

Horário e local
27 de nov. de 2022, 17:00 – 19:00 GMT-5
Charleston, 6 Cutchin Ct, Charleston, SC 29414, USA
Sobre o evento
We are a group that meets weekly to practice our conversational Spanish and help others learn English. Join us if you're looking to improve your proficiency in Spanish and English literacy.
Contact: Jim 856-343-2535.
We are a non-profit 501(c)(4) dedicated to making a positive statement in our communities across the Nation. We advocate for preserving family owned businesses and the American way of life as based on the US Constitution. We execute our mission by solving challenging local problems through out of the box thinking, collaboration and research. We partner with organizations who value American principles, education, and safety.
Free Admission
US$ 0,00Vendas encerradas
US$ 0,00