Generations for America's History
Our founder is Retired U.S. Army Lt Col Ingrid Centurion. Imagine being a little girl growing up in the 1970's and 1980's with the dream of being an Army combat pilot? When most girls back then were told,
“Women can't do that!”
In 1985 as a young 16 year old girl, she worked long hours at Walgreens as a cashier to pay to start her dream to become a pilot. By 1988 she became a pilot and while in college she upgraded her license to a flight instructor. After graduating college in 1991 with a B.S. in Aeronautical Technology Flight Management from Arizona State University, she joined the U.S. Army and was commissioned as a 2nd Lt. In 1998 she got her Masters Degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
During her career as a U.S. Army Officer she flew intelligence combat missions hunting for terrorists such as Abu Bakr_al-Baghdadi in Iraq. Her intelligence combat missions included protecting our southern border by training our border patrol and preparing them for missions to stop transnational threats of drugs, human trafficking, sex trafficking, terrorists and illegal crossings.
She has learned what it takes to lead many kinds of people and has the proven experience. She brings this big picture world vision to help other young Americans accomplish their childhood dreams. For adult Americans, you are never too old to start, to finish your childhood dreams.
Retired U.S. Army Lt Col Ingrid Centurion's current goal is to educate generations on why America is the greatest country to achieve any opportunity you can dream.

Eu não sou nenhum pássaro; e nenhuma rede me enlaça; eu sou um livre
ser humano com vontade independente.
Junte-se a nós
Capacitar cidadãos americanos, 1ª geração, 2ª, 3ª,
4ª, 5ª e muitas gerações vindouras. Generations for America, defende a preservação dos princÃpios americanos por meio da colaboração com as indústrias para criar oportunidades econômicas, melhorar a saúde pública e inspirar o engajamento cÃvico.